Admission to Larches High School is only possible from a mainstream high school in Preston where pupils live in the residential districts of 06 of the Local Authority. High Schools that fall within our catchment are listed below.
- Archbishop Temple Church of England High School
- Ashton Community Science College
- Broughton High School
- Christ the King Catholic High School
- Corpus Christi Catholic High School
- Eden Boys’ School
- Fulwood Academy
- Longridge High School
- Our Lady’s Catholic High School
- Preston Muslim Girls High School
- St Cecelia’s RC High School
- High Schools are to complete Larches High School referral forms IN FULL. Information should be readily available from your SIMS.
- Information requested on the form is a statutory requirement for SIMS records. Due to the high level of referrals received we cannot accept incomplete forms and any that we do receive that are incomplete will be rejected and returned to the referring school to be resubmitted when completed fully.
- Email your completed referral(s) to us at
Any queries prior to making a referral should be directed to Sharon Romain by using the email.
Financial Implications Intervention Referrals Only – You should also make your Finance Officer aware of the admission as your school will be charged termly in accordance with the agreed intervention fee.
All medical referrals will be processed under a central system for Local Authority commissioned medical places. For further information and guidance on how to apply for a medical referral placement please email the central mailbox
Please ensure the relevant forms, including Larches High School referral forms are completed in full, then email directly to the central mailbox by 12 noon the day before the next panel meeting in order to be considered for a place. Panel meetings are held every 2 weeks on Friday during term time.
Once your referral has been processed and authorised by the Local Authority it will be passed to us where our standard admission timescales below will then apply** by following the same process as intervention referrals.
Each referral is based on an individual’s needs and progress with their medical condition but most are for a maximum of 2 school terms during which regular reviews are held with you, your mainstream school and CAMHS.
**Unfortunately, our PRU’s in Lancashire are currently at capacity and although action has been taken by the LA to enable spaces to become available, the demand on the PRU settings has meant that all the places that were available, have now been filled. This is due to the unprecedented numbers of permanently excluded young people across the county.
We are currently looking at measures to reduce the high demand and pressure on the PRU’S however in the meantime young people who are approved through medical panels (that the local authority have a statutory duty to still hold) will need to be placed on a PRU waiting list that is regularly reviewed. As soon as it is possible for the place to be offered, then the PRU will make contact to ensure that there is no further delay.
In the interim, all young people on the medical pathway are on roll at school and they should continue making reasonable adjustments in the attempt to meet need of these young people.
Schools can provide online learning if the young person is unable to enter the building with a robust plan to reintegrate them back into the setting at the earliest opportunity to ensure no education is missed during this difficult time.**
Below is the expected process following receipt of your fully completed referral:
Week 1–2, On Receipt of your Referral
- Completed referral forms received, checked & processed through our weekly pupil admissions meeting.
- An admissions meeting is arranged for parent/carer(s), pupil and mainstream high school representative (where necessary) to attend. During the meeting the needs of the pupil are discussed and an appropriate timetable offered for agreement and transport options explored. Please allow approximately 30 minutes for the appointment.
- We know how stressful these times can be to children and their families and so we always avoid cancelling or rebooking admissions meetings.
Week 3–4, Admission & Commencement of Provision
- Pupil attends at Larches to undertake our induction where baseline assessments are completed and policies and procedures explained. During this time the timetable is also set up.
- Any necessary transport needs are also submitted to LCC Transport to tender for a contract which takes between 10-14 days.
- Preparations are made with Larches staff for their arrival. Maxine Watson oversees all pupil induction and can be contacted on
- Pupils will be expected to attend according to their induction timetable
Reviews & Reports – Pupil reviews are held with the family on a regular basis giving an opportunity to discuss their child’s progress. Reports are also sent directly to home addresses giving details of subject targets and achievements. These reports can also be emailed to your school. If you would also like to receive a copy then please let us know.
Behaviour Meetings – Sometimes it is necessary to invite a member of your staff to attend a meeting following concerns arising from behaviour incidents and you will be informed of these if needed
Following a meeting and by agreement of your school and the parents, if it is deemed necessary that provision is no longer possible or required then we will end date the pupil and they will be returned to your school for their education. At that stage your school’s registration status should return to Single Registration.