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Before Exams/Exam Timetable

All year 11 students will be provided with a copy of their personalised timetable of exams. This will highlight the subject, date and time of exams specific to them. Please keep this safe to refer to during the exam period.

Contingency Day

Please note, contingency days are timetabled for the afternoon of 11th June 2025, as well as all day on Wednesday 25th June 2025. These contingency days are designed to be used in the event of national or significant local disruption to examinations.

This means that all exam candidates must be available to sit exams from 8th May 2025 until (and including) Wednesday 25th June 2025.

This decision is not a school decision and does apply to all candidates in all schools.

JCQ Information for Pupils 

Please encourage your child to read these documents from JCQ, the Joint Council for Qualifications.

JCQ Preparing to sit your exams

JCQ Social Media Infographic

Information for Candidates: Coursework Assessments

Information for Candidates: Non-examination Assessments

Information for Candidates: Privacy Notice

Information for Candidates: Written Examinations

Unauthorised Items Poster

Warning to Candidates Poster

Exam Revision

Get revising: Tips on how to be efficient when revising

It’s easy to get distracted when you’re revising… you might be tempted to check your socials, catch up on a boxset or hang out with your friends – then before you know it, it’s time for bed! But organising your day can really help.

Courtesy of:

Here’s some tips on how to revise effectively, get organised, stay healthy and set some goals to help keep you on track with your revision.

Below you will find a some good examples of websites offering exam prep help & support, please note this is not an exhaustive list: –

BBC Bitesize –

WJEC Revision Resources –

WJEC 10 top tips –

After Exams

Letter from the Exams Officer – TBC June 2025

RESULTS DAY: Thursday 21st August 2025 between 9.30am-12 noon

  • When does my child get their exam results? Pupils should arrive in school between 9.30am-12 noon on the morning of 22nd August to collect their results.

CERTIFICATES: are usually available from November onwards each year

How does my child get their exam certificates? –

Your child MUST collect them personally. If they are unable to, they can nominate a parent/carer to collect on their behalf. To nominate an individual, the student will have to write a letter stating the name of the person they wish to collect their certificates and sign the letter. The nominated individual will need to present the letter and Photographic ID at reception for the certificates to be issued. We have an example letter here which you can print off and complete.

Certificates are kept for 1 year before being destroyed. After this time you will have to request a copy of your certificate direct with each exam board which will include a fee. Please contact each exam board directly.