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General News


By General News

Helping those in need across Preston

COVID19 is an unknown and difficult situation for everyone, especially the most vulnerable in our society and we are doing everything we can to help.

Preston Together is a free Community Hub service for people in the city who need support.

We are working with partners across the County to support the most vulnerable in our community who are facing difficulties, worries and loneliness as a result of Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Our service is currently operating Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm

I need help

If you are isolated by COVID-19 and need help please  ring our Community Hub on 01772 906777 or email

Lancashire Volunteer Partnership  offer services, if you need someone to speak to.

What can we do?

Preston Together is a Community Hub working closely with volunteers, charities and community groups to signpost residents to the services they need.

We can help you with:

  • Obtaining Food Parcels
  • Help with Shopping
  • Collecting prescriptions
  • Tackling Loneliness
  • Financial and Debt Advice
  • Housing Advice

If you’re looking for other help please get in touch. Our team may have the answer or be able to signpost you to the service that does.

Do you know someone who needs help?

If you are worried about someone, possibly a family member or neighbour, or someone you are helping but don’t know what to do next:

  • Call us on 01772 906777 so we can help them find the support they need.

Where can I find financial  advice and support?

The Help in Preston website  has a list of useful websites and information on  financial help and rights during the coronavirus  pandemic.

If you are a business looking for support please visit our  business rates section.

I want to volunteer

If you want to offer help please visit either  Lancashire Volunteer Partnership  or  Our Lancashire.

If you are currently a community or voluntary group and are thinking of assisting your community during the coronavirus outbreak, either by making food to deliver to people’s homes or for them to collect, please do this whilst adhering to good hygiene practices.

View advice for community or voluntary groups and individuals

During this difficult time we are here to help you help your communities. Contact us at  or telephone 01772 906777.


By General News

Dear Parents and Carers

School Update on impact of Covid 19

Please read this letter carefully as it sets out Larches’ plan for supporting students throughout this current crisis.

Firstly can I express on behalf of the school and its Governors our deepest concern for those vulnerable students, families and teachers who have been disproportionately impacted upon by this virus. We all hope you are safe and stay healthy.

Current Situation

Larches has been affected badly by this crisis. Staffing and student attendance has been affected and the vulnerable category of staff who cannot risk exposure to the virus due to underlying health conditions is a constraint.

Advice from the Government, Public Health England and the Local Authority is changing, complex and difficult to implement quickly given our current staffing crisis and the amount of preparation needed.

All pupils have access to online learning via a school email address. Teaching staff will be setting work regularly. There are also various online links to learning on the school website under the curriculum tab. Please contact me on the number below if you have any concerns or queries about this.

The school will open for those deemed “vulnerable” as required. Please contact Mrs Mitchell directly on 07967630212 should you require this provision and it will be arranged.

At this time this is students with EHCP, those who have a social worker and students of parents identified as “key workers” however I must state that this should ONLY be used if you have no other safe alternative.

Year 11 students, regardless of category will no longer come to school.

If you do not have a computer/laptop or some other means of accessing the internet please contact Mrs Mitchell. We will then make arrangements to have work printed out and sent to you.


This is a very trying time for all of us and it’s a situation that I have never contemplated or planned for therefore I ask you to be patient as this is going to be a marathon and not a sprint. We need to look at the experience in other countries and be prepared for this situation to last right up to the summer break.

I am deeply upset for our Year 11 students and those other Year 11s across the country who have worked so hard for their exams and have been denied the opportunity to take them.

A decision has not yet been made as to how they will be awarded grades and as I know more about this I will share this on our website.

As said earlier, please keep checking our web site as it’s the easiest way for the school to keep communicating.

Finally Government advice is still that every child who can be safely cared for at home should be and there is no requirement for parents and carers to send their children to school. The best place for children at this time is at home practising social distancing.

Students’ education will not suffer by staying at home as any students who do come into school will just be supervised to complete the online tasks set.

Keeping you and your family, staff and their extended families safe at all costs should be everyone’s priority at this time.

Best wishes

Christine Mitchell

Larches Advice

By General News

Please, follow these key principles:

  1. If it is at all possible children should be at home
  2. If a child needs specialist support, is vulnerable or has a parent who is a critical worker then contact Mrs Mitchell on 07967630212
  3. Parents should not rely for childcare upon those who are advised to be in the stringent social distancing category such as grandparents, friends, or family members with underlying conditions.
  4. Parents should also do everything they can to ensure children are not mixing socially in a way which can continue to spread the virus. They should observe the same social distancing principles as adults.

If your work is critical to the COVID-19 response and you cannot keep your child safe at home then contact Mrs Mitchell on 07967630212

School Closure

By General News

Due to the outbreak of Covid 19 I regrettably have had to close the school from the end of the day on Thursday 19th March 2020 for all pupils. Teaching staff will be in contact via email with the pupils they teach and will be providing appropriate work and tasks. Please encourage your child to do these. Any concerns please email

It is not a decision that has been taken lightly but is in the best interests of the health and safety of both pupils and staff.

Coronavirus – Advice

By General News

Please be reassured that we are following all guidance to ensure pupils are kept safe during this Covid 19 outbreak. I would be grateful if you would follow the new Government guidance as regards self isolation and keep pupils off school if they are displaying symptoms of a cough or high temperature for 14 days. Normal procedures around attendance and absence management do not apply currently. Staff are preparing online learning tasks for pupils should the situation change and we will provide further information around this as appropriate. Please stay safe and healthy and should you have any concerns do not hesitate to contact school. Thank you for your support.


Advice from Government re Travel Abroad

Advice for Schools

Advice update 02.03.20

Whats going on in Hair & Beauty?

By General News

At larches we offer a BTEC qualification in hair and beauty at Entry level 3 and Level 1 to year 10/11 students. Offering both practical and theory sessions in each industry, this helps students gain the underpinning knowledge needed for the professionalism and  skills required to work in these industry. Our students like be involved in all sessions and gain great benefits from both. These sessions give students chance to express their ability with skills and imaginative work. Being able to create a full themed imaged, a relaxing facial or creating a new hair style will give students great accomplishment when they see the finished look.

Take a look at some action shots!

A new do!

Just relax!

The cleanse!